My objectives for this website
Since my first exposure to the stock market and the topic of personal finance in my first job,
I was fascinated and have striven to become the best investor I can be.
Hence I figured by documenting the useful insights gained throughout my investment journey,
these info may bring value to the lives of other aspiring investors,
allowing me to play my part in solving the pressing issue of retirement inadequacy faced by many today.
Throughout the process, I can also gain valuable skillsets such as content development, SEO and website creation which will be useful for my career path as well.
My investment objective
To reach a state of Financial Unbreakability at my retirement age.
Desired rate of returns for my portfolio until then:
15 - 21.5% CAGR.
View my Portfolio Performance so far here.
My investment principles
Not owning more than 10 *main assets in my portfolio,
so I am able to monitor them adequately, amidst my other commitments in life.
*any assets that carry less than 5% weightage in my portfolio are not considered as a main asset.
Any assets that I choose to own, will have an investment time horizon of minimum 5 years.
Strongly against:
Utilisation of:
​leverage or
any form of derivatives.
any form of short-term trading strategies.
Read here for the checklists I use to scan through my companies,
and the process I have created to manage my portfolio effectively.
Who should read the contents on this website?
​​If you share similar:
investment objectives as me (refer above), and
you are aligned with my investment principles (refer above),
these contents are for you.
Lastly, why should you listen to me?
I am a huge proponent of learning from someone who has actually achieved real-life results.
To keep myself accountable, I have listed my portfolio returns since inception here.
Hence I suggest that you take everything with a grain of salt until I am proven to be able to consistently achieve above-market returns over an extended period of time.
I would highly encourage you to think for yourself and apply any methods which are applicable to you only.
Wishing you great success in your investment journey!
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.